Guidance for Monitoring Menstrual Health and Hygiene


There  has  been  significant  increased  attention  to  menstrual  health  and  hygiene  (MHH)  in  the  WASH  sector over the past decade, but it has not been accompanied by robust or consistent monitoring. While there  is  not  yet  sufficient  evidence  to  recommend  a  comprehensive  set  of  validated  indicators  and  questions to support MHH monitoring, there are simple steps that can be taken now by governments and programme managers to strengthen monitoring efforts. The purpose of this guide is to support the development and/or improvement of MHH monitoring, by highlighting  basic  principles  (including  ethical  considerations)  and  example  questions  to  monitor  the  various elements of MHH. The questions and the wider guidance are not intended to be comprehensive or prescriptive; rather, they represent practical suggestions for monitoring MHH, based on sector experiences and the best available information at the time of publication.

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