29 November 2023

Climate action to help build a climate-smart world

Climate change threatens the lives, health and well-being of children. They are the most vulnerable to its effects, and those who live in low-income communities are at particularly high risk of harm. To save and protect lives and prevent climate change’s worst impacts on children, we need to act now. There are clear, practical solutions that work…, Paving the way for a climate resilient education system in India, A group of students using polybags from waste and fill them with field soil to grow the saplings for school nursery  during environmental activities session at a school in Maharashtra, India India, 2023. Students use polybags from waste and fill them with field soil to grow saplings for their school nursery as part of an environmental activities…, Early detection of groundwater depletion in Madagascar, The semi-arid southern region of Madagascar has been hit hard by years of severe droughts, which has left more than 4.8 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. The region has the country’s lowest water supply coverage, which is further exacerbated by climate change. The lack of rainfall and other environmental factors have also affected…, Innovations in climate risk reduction in Venezuela, A boy, 10, collects safe water at the UNICEF-installed solar-powered water treatment plant in Venezuela Venezuela, 2023. Dahir Franco, 10,collects safe water at the UNICEF-installed solar-powered water treatment plant in San Francisco de Guayo, Venezuela. Disaster risk reduction is an essential element of responding to climate change as children…, Reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from sanitation in Kampala, Uganda, Two masons construct a new pit latrine with a bathroom in a village in Uganda. Uganda, 2022. Two masons construct a new municipality-approved pit latrine with a bathroom, for a commercial structure in Mukono, Uganda. Climate change and sanitation are intrinsically connected. Poorly managed sanitation emits significant greenhouse gas (GHG)…
02 November 2023

Fighting polio vaccine misinformation

Since 1988, the number of children affected by polio has reduced by 99 per cent. While the end of polio is within reach, immunization efforts can easily be derailed by the rapid spread of vaccine misinformation, putting vulnerable children at risk.  Take for example Pakistan, one of just two countries where polio remains endemic, where fake videos…, The polio ‘listening post’, “Social listening is like a disease surveillance system, but instead of the virus, we track and analyze polio misinformation. Using cutting-edge digital media and tools we collect and analyze publicly available data on polio and vaccines across social media, digital media, broadcast news and print media platforms,” says Adnan Shahzad, the Digital…, Clear and accurate messaging, “What we say must be accurate and easy to understand for everyone,” says Soterine Tsanga, Polio Outbreak Response SBC specialist with UNICEF, who is also involved in the roll out of DCE to countries. “When there’s a polio outbreak, our goal is to respond swiftly to reach children with vaccination and stop further spread of the virus. We cannot…, Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF A photo of a mother holding her baby paired with text stating that vaccinations are the best way to fight polio. Polio vaccination messaging - Digital Community Engagement, Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF Graphic showing a smiling child next to text accurate messaging on polio Digital Community Engagement social media graphic - Polio paralysis, Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF A graphic shows a young girl in a yellow shit next to positive messaging on polio. Digital Community Engagement social media graphic - Polio WHO, Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF A polio awareness graphic showing facts, cartoon droplets, and a photo of a young child. Polio vaccination social campaign content. UNICEF, Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF A green cut-out style graphic showing a photo of a child receiving a vaccination alongside accurate information about vaccine safety. Polio vaccine information social graphic DCE, UNICEF., Examples of accurate polio vaccine messaging created for digital sharing., UNICEF A graphic shows a photo of a child next to text that states the benefits of vaccination. A photo of a mother holding her baby paired with text stating that vaccinations are the best way to fight polio. Graphic showing a smiling child next to text accurate messaging on polio A graphic shows a young girl in a yellow shit next to positive…, Digital volunteers quash rumours, Mariama, a digital social mobilizer in Dakar, looks at her phone and laptop screens. Mariama, a 20 years old digital social mobilizer working with UNICEF in Dakar, shares polio information, tracks misinformation, and responds to questions about polio. A big part of UNICEF’s social behaviour change work for polio eradication involves engaging local…, Local outreach and digital engagement, Digital Community Engagement enables countries to bridge the gap between their on-the-groundwork and digital communities, while fostering trust in childhood immunization. Pakistan’s polio eradication programme has managed several misinformation crises. In October 2022, a Facebook post falsely claimed that a child had died after receiving the polio…, More opportunities ahead, While there has been tremendous progress in getting the social listening and misinformation alert systems up and running, there is always more to do. DCE is now focused on strengthening local misinformation response teams while continuing to engage online communities through digital volunteers.  For Gulzar Ahmed Khan, a 28-year-old polio social…
20 July 2023

Global annual results report 2022 : Goal Area 4

Goal Area 4 of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2022–2025, is to help ensure that every child has access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and lives in a safe and resilient environment. Under this goal UNICEF provides WASH services through direct support, helps government partners strengthen national WASH systems and addresses…, Filename: GoalArea4_WebAccessibleFinal_v2.pdf Report created by: Creatrix Designer Organization: [Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.], Summary, The checker found no problems in this document. Needs manual check: 0 Passed manually: 2 Failed manually: 0 Skipped: 0 Passed: 30 Failed: 0, Detailed Report, Document, Rule Name Status Description Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set Image-only PDF Passed Document is not image-only PDF Tagged PDF Passed Document is tagged PDF Logical Reading Order Passed manually Document structure provides a logical reading order Primary language Passed Text language is specified Title…, Page Content, Rule Name Status Description Tagged content Passed All page content is tagged Tagged annotations Passed All annotations are tagged Tab order Passed Tab order is consistent with structure order Character encoding Passed Reliable character encoding is provided Tagged multimedia Passed All multimedia objects are tagged Screen flicker Passed Page will…, Forms, Rule Name Status Description Tagged form fields Passed All form fields are tagged Field descriptions Passed All form fields have description, Alternate Text, Rule Name Status Description Figures alternate text Passed Figures require alternate text Nested alternate text Passed Alternate text that will never be read Associated with content Passed Alternate text must be associated with some content Hides annotation Passed Alternate text should not hide annotation Other elements alternate text Passed Other…, Tables, Rule Name Status Description Rows Passed TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot TH and TD Passed TH and TD must be children of TR Headers Passed Tables should have headers Regularity Passed Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column Summary Passed Tables must have a summary, Lists, Rule Name Status Description List items Passed LI must be a child of L Lbl and LBody Passed Lbl and LBody must be children of LI, Headings, Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back to Top Spotlight on the UNICEF Water, Sanitation andHygiene (WASH) FundResults achieved in 2022 to ensure every child has access to safe and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene U NIC EF/ UN 08 54 519/ Ow oich o Spotlight on the UNICEF Water, Sanitation and Hygiene…
25 May 2022

The effort to eradicate polio globally faces new challenges

27 May 2022 Extraordinary advances have been made in the effort to eradicate wild polio in just a generation. The number of children paralyzed by the virus has decreased by 99 per cent since 1988.   There is no cure for polio. It can only be prevented. That prevention comes from a vaccine, which can protect a child for life. And still to this day…, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the last countries where polio remains endemic. Beginning with Pakistan, where do things stand in terms of the effort to eradicate wild polio there?   , Pakistan saw a landmark achievement earlier this year. In January, the country went an entire year without detection of a single case of wild polio. It was a significant milestone in the nation’s effort to eradicate the disease.  But the fight is certainly not over. In April and May, there were four confirmed cases of wild polio, in what’s a…, In Afghanistan, the country’s health systems have been on the brink of collapse. What does that mean when it comes to protecting children from polio?  , Over the past year, the situation for children in Afghanistan has become even more desperate. Conflict, drought and the pandemic have collided to create an unprecedented humanitarian emergency. The country’s health systems are collapsing under that strain. That’s putting millions of children at high risk of polio and other potentially deadly…, Africa was declared free of wild polio in 2020 after Nigeria achieved zero wild polio cases. But some cases of wild polio are now emerging on the continent again. What’s happening?  , Late last year, a case of wild polio was detected in a girl in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe. The virus has affected the nerve cells in her spinal cord, and consequently her ability to walk. It’s the first case of wild polio in Africa in five years, and the first case of wild polio in Malawi in more than three decades.   Months later, in May, a case…, Wild polio isn’t the only concern. There’s a variant, which has been driving cases globally. What is this variant and how concerning is it?   , That’s right, there has been a rise in polio variants. It’s important to note that the world has been gaining a lot of ground in the effort to eradicate the wild polio virus. But at the same time, we’re seeing a rise in what’s called circulating vaccine derived polio outbreaks. These are non-wild variants of the polio virus. In the past three…, It seems like we’re in a precarious position and at a pivotal moment. Advances continue to be made to eradicate polio, but clearly there are still real concerns. What’s UNICEF doing to respond?  , The vast majority of countries in the world are free of polio. But as long as the polio virus exists, anywhere, no child in the world is safe from this debilitating disease. The virus knows no borders. And the recent emergence of polio outbreaks proves that. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative predicts that if polio isn’t eradicated imminently…