Building a comprehensive and child sensitive social protection system in Peru

Policy brief

Un grupo de cuatro ninas sentadas frente a su escuela
UNICEF Perú/Lanza


The severe socioeconomic impact caused by the COVID pandemic indicates the need for a comprehensive social protection system in Peru. However, public debates show that not all stakeholders (the government, academia, civil society, and decision-makers, among others) have a common understanding of what social protection means. Therefore, it is critical to promote public discussions and build a shared vision of social protection. This will help integrate and consolidate progress and design governance mechanisms to strengthen social protection and support its sustainability. This document presents different social protection concepts from national and international literature to contribute to a shared understanding and coordinate the work carried out by multiple sectors, levels, and stakeholders interested in building a comprehensive social protection system in Peru and exploring possible governance alternatives.

What is social protection?

Social protection is a core concept integrating a variety of measures aimed at ensuring basic living standards for all and building fairer and more inclusive societies. UNICEF defines social protection as the “set of policies and programs aimed at preventing or protecting all people against poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion throughout their life-course, with a particular emphasis towards vulnerable groups”. 

Cover de publicacion, mostrando un grupo de ninas frente a su escuela
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Spanish, English