01 April 2021

Global Annual Results Report 2020: Gender Equality

The commitment of UNICEF to an equal future for all girls and boys recognizes that promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The Gender Action Plan, 2018-2021 (GAP) is UNICEF’s roadmap for promoting gender equality throughout its work, guiding its…, Girls and women are bearing the brunt of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has intensified pre-existing gender inequalities based on discriminatory gender stereotypes. Widespread economic insecurity, as well as service disruptions related to maternal health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition and education, are jeopardizing the lives of…, UNICEF responds to the COVID-19 impact on women and girls, Icon representing 15 year old girl 84 country offices implemented gender-based violence in emergencies programmes compared with 46 in 2019 Icon representing gender - male and female symbols combined 90 countries were supported with national gender-responsive social protection interventions, triple the number in 2019 Icon representing COVID-19…, Equality in health systems and workforce, Icon representing a motherholding a baby 38 countries had implementation plans to strengthen quality maternal and newborn health care, surpassing the 2021 target of 30 Icon representing a baby lying on their back 78 per cent of live births were attended by skilled health personnel, almost meeting the 2021 target of 79 per cent Icon representing a…, Equality in education, Icon representing computer connected to the internet 301 million children were reached with distance learning (49 per cent of them girls)  Icon representing Education - open book 18.6 million out-of-school girls participated in early learning and primary or secondary education through UNICEF-supported programmes, compared with 8.4 million in 2019…, Addressing gender-based violence, Icon representing children - boy and girl holding hands 4.2 million children (over 1.25 million girls) who experienced violence were reached with health, social work and justice services, 53 per cent more than in 2019 Icon representing emergency - hospital cross 17.7 million people across 83 emergency-context countries received gender-based…, Gender-responsive water, sanitation and hygiene systems, Icon representing drinking water - water in a glass 17 million additional people gained access to safe drinking water since 2019 (7.3 million women and girls)  Icon representing sanitation - a toilet 13 million additional people had access to basic sanitation services since 2019 (6.9 million women and girls) Icon representing sanitation - hand…, Promoting positive gender norms and socialization, including through social protection, Icon representing social norms - a man and a woman with a rainbow over their heads 49 UNICEF country programmes had interventions to transform gender-discriminatory roles and norms and promote positive gender socialization Icon representing government building - building with flag flying  In 46 countries UNICEF assisted governments to support…, Gender-responsive social protection, Inclusive and well-managed social protection systems hold enormous potential for transformative outcomes for women and girls, and gender equality more broadly. UNICEF expanded support for gender-responsive social protection programmes, particularly addressing the gender norms that create barriers, preventing women and girls from benefiting from…, Innovation for gender equality, Icon representing skills development - pencil and wrench Icon representing innovation - a light bulb beaming Icon representing generating demand for services - students with trainer pointing to board UNICEF’s Innovation for Gender Equality Portfolio promotes digital skills and creative social enterprise models, while amplifying adolescent girls…, Adolescent girls’ well-being and empowerment, Icon representing skills development - pencil and wrench 3.2 million girls were reached through UNICEF-supported skills-development, empowerment and employability training, an increase of 900,000 from 2019 Icon representing child marriage Nearly 6 million adolescent girls were reached with prevention and care interventions related to ending child…, Dignified menstrual health and hygiene (MHH), Globally, 1.18 million girls and women benefited from emergency MHH services in 2020, increasing from one million in 2019. UNICEF delivered hygiene kits – with menstrual products included as mandatory items – focusing on the most vulnerable communities, such as girls and women from ethnic and indigenous communities in Peru and Ukraine, and those…, Girls' health and nutrition, UNICEF continued to focus on improving gender-responsive adolescent health policies and services, including addressing the persistently high HIV infection rates among adolescent girls, through tackling barriers to comprehensive testing, counselling and treatment. Human papillomavirus vaccination results were encouraging in 2020—there was a…, Girls' secondary education and skills, During widespread health crises, girls and young women are often the first to be removed from school and the last to return. This compounds the fact that pre-pandemic, there were already concerning gaps in secondary school completion among adolescent girls.  UNICEF and partners supported gender-transformative strategies that address barriers to…, Child marriage and early unions, Despite a decline in the practice over the last decade, no region is on track to eliminate child marriage by 2030. Indeed, gains are under serious threat due to COVID-19, which has put an estimated 10 million additional girls at risk. UNICEF country programmes addressing child marriage have steadily increased from 38 in 2016 to 50 in 2020.  In…, Making UNICEF a more gender-responsive organization, Icon of a clipboard UNICEF met 88 per cent of all benchmarks in the UN-SWAP – the United Nations gender equality scorecard – compared to 82 per cent in 2019 Icon representing country office - shape of undefined country 75 per cent of country offices completed GenderPro, UNICEF’s globally-accredited course on gender equality  Icon representing…, Looking forward, A young woman standing in a classroom in front of a blackboard A boy standing in front of solar panels and waving A girl standing in front of a white wall with colourful butterflies and flowers painted on it Amid the challenges of the pandemic, opportunities emerged to leverage the crisis as an accelerator and catalyst; to build back better beyond…, With thanks, This report highlights the achievements made possible by the generous contributions of softly earmarked thematic funding received from various partners. UNICEF would like to express it's sincere appreciation for these contributions. UNICEF would especially like to thank the governments of Canada and Luxembourg, and private sector partners Chloé…, Global Annual Results Report 2020 Gender Equality Cover image: UNICEF/UN0348821/Ayene Kalkidan Hailemariam, aged 15 years, is the President of the Addis Ababa Childrens parliament. UNICEFs work is funded entirely through the voluntary support of millions of people around the world and our partners in government, civil society and the private…
29 June 2020

Global annual results report 2019: Gender equality

The commitment of UNICEF to an equal future for all girls and boys recognizes that promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The UNICEF Gender Action Plan, 2018–2021 (GAP), both articulates and operationalizes this commitment, providing a road map for…, The world has made great strides towards greater gender equality. Today, more girls are able to access and continue their primary education, incidence of child marriage is declining, and concrete legal reforms and actions are making national systems such as health, education, water and sanitation more responsive to the needs and vulnerabilities of…, What is Gender? Explained by children, Highlights of results, The last two years have seen UNICEF substantially increase investment in resources, leadership, capacity and accountability to accelerate results for women and girls. Falling at the midpoint of the GAP, this report highlights the emerging trends, challenges and progress made in the last two years, with an emphasis on priority gender results in…, Equality in health systems and workforce, The percentage of pregnant women receiving at least 4 antenatal visits increased from 57 to 60 per cent from 2018 to 2019. The percentage of mothers receiving postnatal care has already surpassed the 2021 target, reaching 60 per cent (from a baseline of 48 per cent). UNICEF also ramped up the professionalization of community health workers - who…, Equality in education, In 2019, over 17 million out-of-school children participated in education through UNICEF-supported programmes, 5 million more than in 2018. 49 per cent of UNICEF-supported countries (up from 38 per cent in 2018) had effective mechanisms against school-related gender-based violence. 45 UNICEF-supported countries, a 25 per cent increase from 2017,…, Addressing gender-based violence, Over 2.7 million children who experienced violence were reached by health, social work or justice and law enforcement services through UNICEF support in 2019. More than 158,400 girls and women received FGM-related services, while some 8.5 million people participated in UNICEF-supported community mobilization platforms against FGM (up from 6.8 …, Gender-responsive water, sanitation and hygiene systems, Through UNICEF-supported programmes, nearly 18.3 million additional people (8.3 million women and girls in the 47 countries reporting sex-disaggregated data) gained access to safe drinking-water in 2019. Almost 15.5 million additional people (7.6 million women and girls in 62 reporting countries) gained access to basic sanitation services. In…, Promoting positive gender norms and socialization, 120 UNICEF country offices across all regions are working in the flagship GAP priority area of ‘positive gender socialization’. Efforts have focused on promoting gender-responsive parenting and workplace family-friendly policies, encouraging fathers’ involvement in caregiving and domestic responsibilities, and addressing gender norms linked to…, Gender-responsive social protection, In 2019, almost 14 million girls and 10.9 million boys, across seven regions, were reached by UNICEF-supported cash transfer programmes to support their health, nutrition and education needs. Number of girls and boys reached by cash transfer programmes through UNICEF-supported programmes in 2019 Numbers in ‘000s Graphic illustrating the number of…, Adolescent girls’ well-being and empowerment, UNICEF’s priorities on adolescent girls’ well-being and empowerment showed encouraging signs of progress over the last two years, notably through continued emphasis on coordinated, cross-sectoral work, and innovative solutions to expand girls’ participation and agency., Highlights on targeted priorities for adolescent girls in 2019, Graphic representing gender targeted adolescent girls priorities in 2019 Dignified menstrual health and hygiene 1 million girls and women in emergency settings were provided with UNICEF -supported menstrual health and hygiene services, including 24,232 girls and women living with disabilities. Girls' health and nutrition With support from UNICEF…, Making UNICEF a more gender-responsive organization, At UNICEF, all of us should be working on gender. It is not just for those in the Gender Section or gender specialists, every UNICEF staff should be taking it into consideration so that our programming has the intended impact and the best results for every girl, boy, woman and man. Shannon Bullock, UNICEF Public Partnerships Manager and GenderPro…, Priorities for action, UNICEF will continue to strengthen its gender programming and organizational systems to accelerate positive outcomes for women and girls. Key programmatic priorities include adolescent girls’ skills and agency, ending all forms of violence against women and girls, gender-responsive parenting and caregiving, and gender-responsive social protection…, Global Annual Results Report 2019 Gender Equality Cover image: UNICEF/UN0259712/Dejongh Girls at the Asuokaw Methodist School in Eastern Region, Ghana. UNICEF works with its partners in Ghana on a variety of education initiatives including the development of gender-responsive school curricula; gender training for education professionals; gender-…