Action Lines to Promote Breastfeeding in Romania

- Policy Brief -


Executive Summary

Although breastfeeding is the biological child feeding norm during the first years of life, existing data show that breastfeeding rates are far below WHO recommendations both in Europe (25%) and globally (41%) and in Romania. In view of the material and non-material costs of insufficient or inappropriate breastfeeding, it becomes of the essence to extend breastfeeding interventions. The action lines proposed in this policy brief target mothers and their families, healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities (maternity hospitals and hospitals).

The recommended actions fall into three major categories: legal amendments (regulate the marketing of breast-milk substitutes; integrate the WHO & UNICEF Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative criteria into national standards for the evaluation and accreditation of hospitals; support/encourage breastfeeding in the workplace), empowerment activities (introduce information on the importance of breastfeeding and the cost of non-action in the initial training curriculum for healthcare professionals; continuing professional development of healthcare professionals to promote and support breastfeeding; include in the healthcare institutions all categories of human resources which are essential to support and encourage breastfeeding; evidence-based healthcare policies on breastfeeding), and promotion and awareness campaigns (development, implementation and evaluation of customised information and awareness campaigns).

Action Lines to Promote Breastfeeding in Romania