Falling Short

Addressing the climate finance gap for children

Landscape featuring fallen trees, river water, and children in the background


Multilateral climate funds have a key role to play in agenda-setting and in catalysing and coordinating investments which are necessary to respond to the climate crisis.

Falling short: addressing the climate finance gap for children is a study analysing how ‘child responsive’ projects funded by key multilateral climate funds are – over a 17-year period. ‘Child responsiveness’ is defined as addressing the distinct and heightened risks children experience from the climate crisis, strengthening the resilience of child-critical social services and empowering children as agents of change.

The report concludes that children are being failed by climate funding commitments, despite bearing the brunt of the climate crisis.

Report cover featuring organization logos and text on a bold frame
Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI) coalition
Publication date