18 December 2023

On the front line

In Latin America and the Caribbean, millions of children and their families have left their schools, friends and communities across the region through a myriad of migratory flows. They are fleeing violence, poverty, the collapse of essential services, xenophobia or the consequences of climate change. Traveling the migration routes often entails…, BRAZIL, A health assistant examines a baby When Venezuelan María Audaly, 43, left her homeland, she never thought she would end up working again in emergency situations in the country that would become her new home. In Brazil, she is one of the health assistants responsible for ensuring the recovery of Yanomami, Ike’uana and Sanumã children suffering from…, COLOMBIA, Luis Eduardo Ríos, Protection Officer of UNICEF Colombia's Migration Area. Luis Eduardo Ríos, Protection Officer of UNICEF Colombia's Migration Area. "The first thing we work on is to explain to a child that he or she is not to blame for the migratory situation he or she is going through, and for not having a home to live in. That principle shapes…, Juan David Rincón (13) and Dairilys Maurera (16) are two of the thousands of adolescent migrants that Lucho serves in his role as a UNICEF officer. Both were born in Venezuela and in 2019 migrated to Colombia., UNICEF/UNI463231/Estrada Juan David y Dairilys participan con sus compañeros en una batucada Juan David y Dairilys participan con sus compañeros en una batucada, Juan David Rincón (13) and Dairilys Maurera (16) are two of the thousands of adolescent migrants that Lucho serves in his role as a UNICEF officer. Both were born in Venezuela and in 2019 migrated to Colombia., UNICEF/UNI463226/Estrada Los jóvenes Juan David y Dairilys están de píe posando para la foto Juan David y Dairilys participan con sus compañeros en una batucada Colombia hosts the largest number of refugees and migrants from Venezuela: almost three million, according to figures updated as of August 2023 by the Interagency Coordination Platform for…, GUYANA, Shona Jones, Migration Manager at Blossom Inc, a UNICEF implementing partner in Guyana. Shona Jones, Migration Manager at Blossom Inc, a UNICEF implementing partner in Guyana. Thanks to their knowledge of the local context and their integration into the community, UNICEF's partners carry out a fundamental part of the humanitarian work throughout…, HONDURAS, Óscar Madariaga, Protection Specialist at ChildFund Honduras. Óscar Madariaga, Protection Specialist at ChildFund Honduras. After several days of travel, and after crossing Panama and Nicaragua, many children and adolescents carry the psychological wounds of their journey through the jungle and on the roads. In Honduras, UNICEF is a member of the…, PANAMA, "The biggest challenge is to have the emotional intelligence not to break down the moment a child tells you what happened in the jungle. Our job sometimes is listening to them, absorbing the burden they bring and handling it later on.”   Jhon Tovar Barrera, Environmental engineer, specialist in water, sanitation and hygiene. Environmental engineer…, PERU, "In the faces of the children and adolescents that arrive in Peru, we see how courageous they are to leave everything behind and start a new life. That makes us work with a humanitarian approach that is part of a great comprehensive work that goes beyond. We care about the lives of each one of them, especially those who travel alone. It is a…