Systematic responses to children under the minimum age of criminal responsibility

Guidance note on systematic responses to children under the minimum age of criminal responsibility who have been (allegedly) involved in offending behaviour in Europe and Central Asia

October 2016, specialised court for minors Kyzylorda city, Kazakhstan.


Since 2000, UNICEF supports governments in Europe and Central Asia to establish specialised child justice systems that enable children in conflict with the law to benefit from policies and approaches that promote diversion and alternatives to detention and use detention as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. The treatment of children under the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) remains a relatively unaddressed child justice issue so far is. Addressing the needs of children under the MACR who have (allegedly) been involved in offending behaviour remains a challenge in most European and Central Asian countries. It is therefore important to understand international standards and practices on dealing with children under the MACR and to document what countries in Europe and Central Asia, including those not covered by UNICEF ECARO, and countries in other regions have already done in this respect. 

This guidance note intends to contribute in filling this gap and to inform and guide governments in the region on how to develop a systematic response to children under the MACR.

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