Deep Dive into the European Child Guarantee - Greece

This in-depth analysis provides the basis for the European Child Guarantee National Action Plan in Greece



The European Commission proposal for the European Child Guarantee (ECG) was adopted by the European Union’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) in June 2021. The focus is on effective and free access to quality services in the fields of early childhood education and care (ECEC), education, health care, nutrition and adequate housing.

The European Commission has partnered with the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNICEF ECARO) to test how the European Child Guarantee could work in practice and provide recommendations for its successful design and implementation. As part of this engagement, UNICEF ECARO has been working since July 2020 with national and local governments from seven EU Member States (Bulgaria, CroatiaGermany, Greece, ItalyLithuania, and Spain) and key national and local stakeholders in these countries. Part of this support has included the development of 'policy deep dive' country studies.

The deep dives are designed to provide the information and evidence base that governments need for the development of evidence-informed European Child Guarantee National Action Plans. The overall objective of this deep dive is to support Greece to design, implementing, and evaluating its European Child Guarantee National Action. This research analyses policies, services, and mechanisms to address children’s service access barriers and unmet needs in the thematic areas of the ECG: early childhood education and care, education, health, nutrition, and housing.

There are two reports as part of this deep dive. The main deep-dive report on specific initiatives to reduce poverty and social exclusion among children, critically assessing unmet needs and access barriers across different sectors.

In addition, a policy brief, designed to support policy planning and to complement existing measures that have been effective in providing positive outcomes for children, distills the key messages of the research.

Main deep dive report is available for download in English and Greek.

Policy brief is available for download in English and Greek.

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