03 July 2023

Global Annual Results Report 2022: Humanitarian action

Climate change and conflict shaped many children’s lives for the worse in 2022. Flooding, storms, drought, war, local and regional conflict, and other forms of violence negatively impacted children’s safety; their health and exposure to communicable diseases; their nutritional status; their access to education; their environment and access to safe…, Filename: Humanitarian_FinalWebAccessibility.pdf Report created by: Creatrix Designer Organization: [Personal and organization information from the Preferences > Identity dialog.], Summary, The checker found no problems in this document. Needs manual check: 0 Passed manually: 2 Failed manually: 0 Skipped: 0 Passed: 30 Failed: 0, Detailed Report, Document, Rule Name Status Description Accessibility permission flag Passed Accessibility permission flag must be set Image-only PDF Passed Document is not image-only PDF Tagged PDF Passed Document is tagged PDF Logical Reading Order Passed manually Document structure provides a logical reading order Primary language Passed Text language is specified Title…, Page Content, Rule Name Status Description Tagged content Passed All page content is tagged Tagged annotations Passed All annotations are tagged Tab order Passed Tab order is consistent with structure order Character encoding Passed Reliable character encoding is provided Tagged multimedia Passed All multimedia objects are tagged Screen flicker Passed Page will…, Forms, Rule Name Status Description Tagged form fields Passed All form fields are tagged Field descriptions Passed All form fields have description, Alternate Text, Rule Name Status Description Figures alternate text Passed Figures require alternate text Nested alternate text Passed Alternate text that will never be read Associated with content Passed Alternate text must be associated with some content Hides annotation Passed Alternate text should not hide annotation Other elements alternate text Passed Other…, Tables, Rule Name Status Description Rows Passed TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot TH and TD Passed TH and TD must be children of TR Headers Passed Tables should have headers Regularity Passed Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column Summary Passed Tables must have a summary, Lists, Rule Name Status Description List items Passed LI must be a child of L Lbl and LBody Passed Lbl and LBody must be children of LI, Headings, Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back to Top
01 April 2021

Global Annual Results Report 2020: Humanitarian Action

In 2020, UNICEF and partners responded to 455 new and ongoing humanitarian situations in 152 countries. More than half of all UNICEF expenses in 2020 supported humanitarian action.  Globally, UNICEF and partners reached millions of children with lifesaving, gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive interventions in the areas of health, nutrition,…, Humanitarian needs grew exponentially in 2020. By the end of the year, 235 million people – 1 in 33 people worldwide were in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. That represents a significant increase from the 1 in 45 people in need when the year began, which was already the highest figure in decades.   During the year, the COVID-19…, UNICEF humanitarian action in 2020, In 2020, UNICEF and its implementing partners responded to 455 new and ongoing humanitarian situations in 152 countries and territories, compared with 281 humanitarian situations in 96 countries and territories in 2019. The significant increase in the number of humanitarian situations and countries can be attributed to the UNICEF humanitarian…, Type and scale of humanitarian response in 2020, Delivering humanitarian results for children, These are some of the key humanitarian results achieved against targets for children by UNICEF and partners in 2020. In some contexts, achievements were constrained by limited resources, including across sectors; inadequate humanitarian access; insecurity; and challenging operating environments. UNICEF In the Ecuadorian Amazon, remote doesn’t mean…, Key results from humanitarian responses, A young baby sits on their mother's lap with their sleeve rolled up UNICEF/UN0358770/Faze Afghanistan Over 506,000 children and pregnant and lactating women received essential health services and health education, including through mobile outreach teams (exceeding the target). A young girl sitting at a desk in her bedroom using a computer tablet…, Emergency deployments, A total of 319 emergency (surge) deployments were reported and completed in 2020, down from 600 in 2019. These deployments totalled nearly 34,000 days, with an average mission length of 122 days., Top 3 crises supported through emergency deployments, Partnerships, In 2020, UNICEF collaborated with 1,852 civil society partners (1,294 local and 558 international non-governmental organizations). UNICEF also partnered with national government responders, transferring nearly US$244 million of humanitarian funding. Overall, 28 per cent of humanitarian funding went directly to local and national civil society and…, Emergency supplies, A man wearing a mask and a UNICEF jacket standing in front of a shipment of emergencies supplies being loaded into a plane UNICEF/UNI322101/ Supplying the fight against COVID-19 Currently affecting more than 200 countries and territories, the COVID-19 virus has upended the lives of children and their families everywhere, placing a huge strain on…, Resource mobilization, The year’s results were made possible by the generous contributions of resource partners, including governments, National Committees and corporate partners. The UNICEF resource mobilization strategy for humanitarian action continued to put children at the centre of political and policy agendas to generate adequate and quality financial resources…, Global humanitarian thematic funding, UNICEF Global Humanitarian Thematic Funding global humanitarian thematic funds – critical multi-year flexible funding – allowed the organization to meet critical needs. These funds helped UNICEF respond to overlapping crises in the Sahel, where vulnerable people urgently needed multisectoral support throughout the year; scale up its response to…, Looking forward, A young woman standing in a classroom in front of a blackboard A boy standing in front of solar panels and waving A girl standing in front of a white wall with colourful butterflies and flowers painted on it UNICEF is dedicated to improving its humanitarian action, in accordance with its Strategic Plan, to meet the challenges described above and…, With thanks, This report highlights the achievements made possible by the generous contributions of softly earmarked thematic funding received from various partners. UNICEF would like to express it's sincere appreciation for these contributions. June 2021, Global Annual Results Report 2020 Humanitarian action Cover image: UNICEF/UNI367251/Fazel Somaya, 9 years, washes her hands at a UNICEF-supported handwashing facility for internally displaced children in Ferdousi camp, Balkh province, Afghanistan (September 2020). Expression of thanks: UNICEF/UN0403198/Abdalkarim A refugee boy at a UNICEF-…
01 April 2021

Global Annual Results Report 2020: Goal Area 3

COVID-19 began as a global public health emergency but evolved rapidly into a child rights crisis that is unprecedented in both the universality of its scope and the inequality of its impacts. Children and women across countries and contexts faced increasing and intensifying threats to their safety and wellbeing – including abuse, violence,…, The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) threatens to reverse years of development gains and further inhibit progress towards protection-related SDGs by 2030. Though the full impact of the pandemic on children’s exposure to violence and exploitation is still emerging, at its peak, around 1.8 billion children lived in the 104 countries where violence…, Child protection links to the SDGs and Convention on the Rights of the Child, Goal Area 3 aims to ensure that every girl and boy is protected from all forms of violence, exploitation, abuse and harmful practices. This commitment is anchored in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and contributes to the achievement of protection-related Sustainable Development Goals., Strengthening child protection systems to reduce violence against children, Icon representing person getting hurt 4.2 million children who experienced violence reached with related services (126 countries) + 54% Icon representing affected population - 2 adults holding hands of a child 2.6 million parents and caregivers reached with UNICEF-supported parent education programmes (87 countries) + 14% Icon representing…, Accelerating national progress to reduce all forms of violence, Across 144 countries, UNICEF sought to maintain the continuity of its programmes and operations, while pivoting, adapting, and innovating approaches to reach an unprecedented number of children with prevention and responses services.  This included leveraging digital technology to offer caregiving resources to parents, expand the reach of mental…, Strengthening the social service workforce, At the start of the pandemic, child protection services, and the implicit role social service workers play in delivering these services, were not considered essential by many governments and received limited earmarked funds, making it difficult to support their continuity. UNICEF swiftly advocated for the social service workforce to be supported…, Strengthening information management systems, UNICEF recognizes integrated Information Management Systems (IMS) as a critical component of strengthening child protection systems. In 2020, UNICEF supported 111 countries to strengthen IMS for child protection, including 24 countries reporting an interoperable IMS to support and track case management and incident and programme monitoring in…, Child protection in humanitarian action, Icon representing psycho-social support - a small and a big hand together 47.2 million children, adolescents, parents and caregivers accessed mental health and psychosocial support (117 countries) Icon representing 5 year old girl 17.8 million women, girls and boys provided with risk mitigation, prevention or response interventions to address…, Mental health and psychosocial support, COVID-19 has both exacerbated the mental health burden affecting the world’s children and brought much-needed attention to mental health as an essential component of children’s well-being and development. In 2020, UNICEF expanded its reach across humanitarian and development contexts, providing critical community-based mental health and…, Gender-based violence in emergencies, COVID-19 quarantine and confinement measures and the ripple effect of the socio-economic impact of the pandemic increased the risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and worsened its severity, particularly for women and girls already at heightened risk of living in emergency and prolonged crisis contexts.  UNICEF galvanized the production of global…, Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, UNICEF has accelerated the scale up of protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), with 91 countries now having safe and accessible reporting channels for SEA, country action plans, PSEA training for partners and strengthened referral pathways for survivors. In 2020, 44.3 million children and adults could access safe and accessible…, Monitoring grave violations, UNICEF engages with the United Nations and partners to monitor and report grave violations of children’s rights in armed conflict including killing and maiming; recruitment and use; abduction; and sexual violence. The Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism documented over 26,000 grave violations across 21 countries in 2020. The number of children…, Children associated with armed forces and armed groups, Reintegration is a long-term process intended to enable children to transition from armed forces and groups to their families and communities. Despite access constraints caused by COVID-19, UNICEF documented around 12,790 children who exited armed forces or armed groups in 16 countries during 2020. Across 19 countries, UNICEF provided a range of…, Mine action and explosive weapons, In the context of COVID-19, it proved crucial to adapt and reimagine how mine action programming, in particular Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), was delivered in situations where face to face direct contact shifted to remote reach. This included the use of mass messaging through traditional and social media, and other forms of digital…, Unaccompanied and separated children, The COVID-19 pandemic, and the measures and policies put in place to contain the virus, heightened the risks of separation of children across humanitarian situations and development contexts, triggering a significant scale-up in programming in 2020.  UNICEF and partners supported UASC in 89 countries, across humanitarian situations and development…, Delivery of protection services to reduce harmful practices, A young girl writing and drawing Over 16.4 million people engaged through UNICEF-supported education, communication and social mobilization platforms to promote the elimination of FGM (20 countries) A girl wearing a jacket and colourful scarf Over 6 million adolescent girls were reached with UNICEF-supported child marriage prevention and care…, Child marriage, In 2020, UNICEF and partners supported 59 countries across all regions to implement rights-based interventions aimed at ending child marriage, adapting and innovating its approach in the context of COVID-19. Across 45 countries, around 5.3 million adolescent girls participated in life skills training or comprehensive sexuality education.…, Female Genital Mutilation, UNICEF contributed to important successes to eliminate FGM in 20 countries. To adjust programming due to COVID-19, focus was placed on scaling up proven interventions and adapting approaches to community-based interventions. UNICEF empowered around 2,156 communities in 14 countries to declare the abandonment of FGM and helped prevent around 120,…, Promoting access to justice for children, Icon representing justice - balance scales 412,900 children in 87 countries who were in contact with the law received services (277,700 in 65 countries in 2019) Icon representing registration - aperson beside a pencil 21.2 million births were registered (57 countries) and 15.1 million birth certificates were issued (51 countries) Icon representing…, Strengthening justice systems, UNICEF and partners supported 125 countries to ensure programme continuity and to mitigate the increased risks for children and adolescents in contact with the law. A major focus was on adapting advocacy and programming to address the immediate and wider impact of COVID-19 while balancing longer-term justice reforms. When the pandemic began,…, Improving birth registration, The impact of COVID-19 prevention and containment measures was immediate, severely disrupting the availability of civil registration services, including birth registration. At the height of the pandemic, over 40 countries noted drops of 10 per cent or more in related services.   To minimize the impact of service disruption and maintain a…, Children without parental care, UNICEF supported efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and pre-emptively scale up and strengthen the capacity of family-based care and social protection systems, which are critical to enhance family resilience and prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families.  A critical first step for UNICEF was to advocate for the…, Children on the move, Children on the move are especially vulnerable and face heightened protection risks, particularly in the context of COVID-19. They may be denied entry at borders, subjected to immigration detention, refused the right to seek asylum, excluded from access to essential services or returned without due process considerations. COVID-19 caused…, Advancing the Learning Agenda, A mother and her two children sitting in the shade of their house doing schoolwork A girl wearing a baseball hat and a UNICEF t-shirt looking at her mobile phone Children wearing masks, sitting outside at a table covered in Lego UNICEF continued to support efforts to improve the availability and quality of child protection data and evidence, with…, Looking forward, A group of young children lying on the grass together Two children walking into the distance with their arms around each other Two children in the air as they jump over a skipping rope Prior to the pandemic, UNICEF already had an ambitious agenda for organizational change in support of accelerated action for children – with a focus on prevention,…, With thanks, This report highlights the achievements made possible by the generous contributions of softly earmarked thematic funding received from various partners. UNICEF would like to express it's sincere appreciation for these contributions. June 2021, Global Annual Results Report 2020 GOAL AREA 3 Every child is protected from violence and exploitation Cover image: UNICEF/ UNI333569/Dejongh Children at the playground of their school in Toumodi-Sakassou, Cte dIvoire. UNICEF has been working with countries like Cte dIvoire to support childrens safe return to school, as well as supporting the…
01 July 2020

Global annual results report 2019: Humanitarian action

In 2019, UNICEF and partners responded to 281 humanitarian situations in 96 countries. More than half of all UNICEF expenses in 2019 supported humanitarian action. Globally, UNICEF and partners reached millions of children with life-saving, gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive interventions in the areas of health, nutrition, education, child…, In 2019, global humanitarian needs grew to their highest levels ever. By the end of the year, more than 1 in every 45 people in the world – nearly 168 million people – needed urgent humanitarian assistance. Over the past five years, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance has more than doubled.   Prolonged and violent conflict…, UNICEF humanitarian action in 2019, In 2019, UNICEF and partners responded to 281 humanitarian situations in 96 countries. Forty-two per cent of these 96 country responses were to emergencies affecting more than 1 million people. While the number of situations declined from 285 in 2018, protracted crises are lasting for longer, with some conflict-affected countries facing…, Type and scale of humanitarian response in 2019, Map highlighting the type and scale of UNICEF humanitarian responses in 2019 281 humanitarian situations 96 countries Health crises: 74 East Asia and the Pacific: 13 countries Socio-political crises: 63 Eastern and Southern Africa: 18 countries Natural disasters (hydro-meteorological): 82 Europe and Central Asia: 8 countries Other: 29 Latin…, Delivering humanitarian results for children, These are some of the key humanitarian results achieved against targets for children by UNICEF and partners in 2019. In some contexts, achievements were constrained by limited resources, including across sectors; inadequate humanitarian access; insecurity; and challenging operating environments. Icon of tap representing Water, Sanitation and…, Key results from humanitarian responses, Children sitting on the floor of a classroom in Bangladesh UNICEF/UN0346588/Modola, Bangladesh and Myanmar, In response to the Rohingya crisis in Bangladesh and Myanmar, nearly 295,000 children accessed education services, including early learning (83 per cent of the 356,000 targeted). A mother holding her young child on her hip who is holding an empty cup of milk UNICEF/UNI287180/Dicko, Central Sahel  , Nearly 663,000 severely malnourished children under 5 years affected by armed violence were admitted into therapeutic feeding programmes (51 per cent girls; 94 per cent of the 703,000 targeted). A girl rewiring solar panels while another girls watches UNICEF/UN0326949/Brown Beyond survival: Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh want to learn…, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Some 6.2 million crisis-affected people, including 450,000 children under 5 years, in 50 priority countries gained access to essential medicines (exceeding the 6 million targeted). A woman in a brightly coloured dress sits on a wooden bench beside her young child UNICEF/UNI308117/Ingram, Ebola response, UNICEF reached 38 million people at risk of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighbouring countries through community engagement, advocacy and interpersonal communication interventions (exceeding the 36.4 million targeted). A woman and her children walk down a dirt road, Guatemala UNICEF/UN0217814/Bindra, Latin America and the Caribbean, Over 182,000 children affected by the migration crisis received programmes to prevent and address violence, abuse and exploitation, including gender-based violence (48 per cent girls; exceeding the 143,000 targeted). A woman holds a smiling baby in front of her. UNICEF/UN0305961/Oatway, Southern Africa, In the aftermath of Cyclone Idai, UNICEF supported nearly 65,000 vulnerable households (around 264,000 people) in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe through humanitarian cash transfer programmes. A young girl standing in a refugee camp wearing a bright pink winter coat UNICEF/UN0280487/Al-Issa, The Syrian Arab Republic, Since 2016, UNICEF and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour have reached 15,000 children with disabilities through an innovative humanitarian cash transfer programme. In 2019, the programme reached 7,500 children with disabilities. A boy washes his face, Ukraine UNICEF/UN0150855/Gilbertson VII Photo, Ukraine, UNICEF and partners reached over 1.4 million conflict-affected people with safe drinking water, and nearly 42,000 vulnerable people benefited from improved access to hygiene supplies., Emergency deployments, A total of 600 surge deployments were reported and completed in 2019 to support coordination, programming and operations in emergencies. This year’s emergency surge missions totalled over 43,000 days, with an average mission length of 73 days. Graph displaying number of humanitarian emergency deployments between 2009 and 2019, Top 3 crises supported through emergency deployments, A girl smiling in classroom. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela response 107 deployments   A woman wearing a UNICEF uniform hands aid items to two women Mozambique – Cyclone Idai response   105 deployments Ebola screening centre at the Uganda-DRC border. Democratic Republic of the Congo – Ebola outbreak response   56 deployments, Partnerships, In 2019, UNICEF collaborated with 1,394 civil society partners – two thirds of them local partners. More than US$582.4 million in cash was transferred to civil society partners during the year. Nearly 57 per cent of these funds were transferred to local partners. Graphic displaying the number of UNICEF regional partnerships in 2019 UNICEF/2019…, Emergency supplies,   Graphic displying UNICEF procurement figure for 2019 Globally, UNICEF procurement for emergencies reached US$346.1 million  Graphic displaying UNICEF level 2 and level 3 emergencies for 2019 94 per cent of this total went to Level 2 and Level 3 emergencies Graphic displaying number of countries and territories UNICEF operated in in 2019 Supplies…, Resource mobilization, The year’s results were made possible by the generous contributions of resource partners, including governments, National Committees and corporate partners. The UNICEF resource mobilization strategy for humanitarian action continued to put children at the centre of political and policy agendas to generate adequate and quality financial resources…, Global humanitarian thematic funding, UNICEF global humanitarian thematic funds – critical multi-year flexible funding – allowed the organization to meet critical needs. Allocations of global humanitarian thematic funding were used to expand activities and respond to increasing needs in countries such as Burkina Faso, where displacement rose dramatically during the year, and the Sudan…, Looking forward, A young baby resting on his mothers shoulder UNICEF will continue to strive to reach the most vulnerable children - as well as women and persons with disabilities - with the support they need in emergencies. A central element in achieving this will be the finalization and roll-out of the revised Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action…, Global Annual Results Report 2019 Humanitarian action Cover image: UNICEF/UNI210752/Townsley Joniste, whose three-year-old son died of Ebola, now works with children orphaned due to Ebola, providing the love and attention they need in their parents absence. Working with national governments, the World Health Organization and other partners in the…
01 July 2020

Global annual results report 2019: Goal Area 3

Goal Area 3 aims to ensure that every girl and boy is protected from violence and exploitation in keeping with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and supports the achievement of multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goals 5, 8 and 16. Two years into implementation of the UNICEF Strategic Plan, 2018–2021, Goal…, The year 2019 commemorated the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and celebrated the progress since that time. The last two decades saw a rise in birth registration levels globally with about 3 in 4 children under age 5 registered today compared to 6 in 10 around 2000. The prevalence of female…, Results, In 2019, UNICEF worked in over 150 countries in its efforts to protect children against violence and exploitation and reached 17 per cent more children who experienced violence with health, social work or justice and law enforcement services, compared to 2018, with a roughly even split between girls and boys. Progress rate by output area -…, Strengthening child protection systems to reduce violence against children, Graphic representing affected population 2.3 million mothers, fathers and caregivers reached through parenting programmes in 79 countries (+10%) Graphic representing violence against children 2.7 million children who have experienced violence reached by services in 115 countries (+17%) "Violence against children (VAC) encompasses all forms of…, Accelerating national progress to reduce all forms of violence, In 2019, UNICEF intensified efforts to scale up evidence-based violence prevention interventions and institutionalize response services to child victims of violence in 141 countries, a 5 per cent increase from the countries reporting in 2018. A panel from the Comic book that won UNICEF's global comic book contest Rizka Comic superhero Cipta to…, Strengthening the social service workforce, There is a moderate yet steady increase in the number of countries reporting progress to strengthen their Social Service Workforce (SSW), increasing from 114 countries reporting in 2017 to 137 countries in 2019. UNICEF stepped up support to governments to institutionalize workforce development, including notably in Afghanistan, Argentina, Bhutan,…, Strengthening information management systems, UNICEF recognizes integrated Information Management Systems (IMS) as a critical component of strengthening child protection systems. UNICEF and partners manage three types of protection-related data: case management, incident monitoring and programme monitoring. These data are interrelated and essential to the success of any child protection…, Child protection in humanitarian action, Child protection in humanitarian action achieved breakthrough results in 2019 on many critical fronts. UNICEF provided protective services to millions of children affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and public health emergencies in 74 humanitarian situations. As a leading voice for children, adolescents, parents and caregivers, UNICEF…, Mental health and psychosocial support, UNICEF took major steps to prioritize Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for children, adolescents, mothers, fathers and caregivers. UNICEF provided more than 3.7 million children and adolescents in 60 humanitarian situations with community-based MHPSS, up 3 per cent compared to 2018. The organization increasingly prioritizes…, Monitoring grave violations, UNICEF engages with United Nations partners to monitor and report grave violations of children’s rights in armed conflict including killing and maiming, recruitment and use, abduction and sexual violence. In 2019, over 25,000 grave violations were verified across 20 countries through the monitoring and reporting mechanism co-chaired by UNICEF.…, Reintegrating children associated with armed forces and armed groups, Reintegration is a long-term process intended to enable children to transition from armed forces and groups to their families and communities. Across 19 countries, UNICEF provided a range of care and services including specialized family tracing, psychosocial support, recreational activities, and economic reintegration, education and life-skills…, Mine action and explosive weapons, Children represent more than half the civilian casualties of landmines and explosive remnants of war, a 12 per cent rise from 2016. To reverse casualty trends and strengthen victim assistance, UNICEF scaled up its mine action programming to 23 countries (from 20 in 2018), including in Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iran and Libya in 2019. In all…, Gender-based violence in emergencies, Across 46 countries, UNICEF supported 3.3 million women, girls and boys with Gender- Based Violence in Emergencies (GBViE) response, prevention and risk mitigation activities, reaching over 150 per cent more people than in 2018., Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, Children and women are disproportionately at risk for sexual abuse and exploitation (SEA) in humanitarian settings. In 2019, UNICEF doubled the organization’s protection efforts to reach 32 countries across six regions, up from 16 countries in 2018.   In 2019, 8.9 million children and adults could access a UNICEF-supported SEA reporting channel, a…, Unaccompanied and separated children, In 2019, UNICEF and partners registered around 94,500 unaccompanied and separated children in humanitarian situations across 50 countries. Overall, 58 per cent of unaccompanied and separated children targeted and registered for UNICEF support were reunited with their families or received family-based care or appropriate alternative services.  , Children on the move, UNICEF reached nearly 1.75 million ‘children on the move’ in 61 countries with protective services and supports national authorities to mainstream policy and programming into national child protection systems strengthening frameworks. UNICEF supported 33 countries to end the immigration detention of children in law, policy and practice. UNICEF…, Delivery of protection services to reduce harmful practices, Despite the significant decline in recent years in the prevalence of child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM), the overall numbers remain high. To eliminate harmful practices by 2030 (SDG 5.3), progress needs to be dramatically accelerated. A girl in a girl guides uniform in Malyasia holding a sign saying "let girls be girls, not brides…, Child marriage, In 2019, UNICEF and partners supported 58 countries across all regions to implement rights-based interventions aimed at ending child marriage. While child marriage occurs among both boys and girls, the prevalence is about six times higher among girls. Partnering with boys and men in gender equality is crucial to ending child marriage. Girls’…, Female Genital Mutilation, UNICEF contributed to important successes to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in 21 countries where FGM programmes are being implemented. UNICEF is working towards strengthening interventions such as building girls’ and women’s agency to claim their rights, advancing gender equality by engaging men and boys, improving community…, Promoting access to justice for children, Ma July Moe (2-week) at the lunching ceremony on mobile birth and death registration event at Royal Hintha Hotel, Mawlamyaing. 21.7 million Birth registrations for children between 0 –17 A young man using a sewing machine 278,000 Children have benefited from access to justice interventions in 65 countries Strengthening justice systems for children…, Improving birth registration, The right of a child to be registered and have a legal identity is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF supported 80 countries – with over half (51 per cent) located in Eastern and Southern Africa and West and Central Africa – to strengthen their civil registration and vital statistics systems (CRVS). The year 2019 saw a…, Children without parental care, The year 2019 was a watershed moment for care reform globally. The landmark United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution on children without parental care provided the unprecedented opportunity to advance the care reform agenda globally, including within the disabilities community. UNICEF supported 106 countries across all regions to drive…, Looking forward, The year 2020 marks the  seventy-forth anniversary of UNICEF; normally an occasion to celebrate all the progress in child rights to date. Instead, the year started with the worst global health crisis the world has encountered in modern history with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic.   The devastating socio-economic impacts of the pandemic will…, Global Annual Results Report 2019 GOAL AREA 3 Every child is protected from violence and exploitation Cover image: UNICEF/UNI218101/Htet Ma July Moe (2 weeks) at a launching ceremony on mobile birth and death registration services in Mawlamyine District, Mon State, Myanmar. In 2019, the first ever electronic birth registration took place in Mon…