Supply Annual Report 2010

The report provides detailed statistics on UNICEF's local and international procurement and other key results.


2010 was a significant year for UNICEF Supply on many fronts. The year was unprecedented in terms of the scale and complexity of emergencies, notably multiple emergencies in Haiti, including the devastating earthquake which claimed 220,000 lives and left 2.3 million people displaced, and catastrophic flooding in Pakistan which, at its peak, inundated one-fifth of the country.

Rapid response to emergencies is at the heart of UNICEF’s mandate. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, as we were originally named, was founded in1946 in the aftermath of World War II to respond to the needs of millions of children across Europe facing famine and disease.

This year’s Supply Annual Report provides an overview of our work in 2010 and insights into how the Supply Function helps meet UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Children in humanitarian action (CCCs).

The report supports our commitment to transparency by providing information on UNICEF’s local and international procurement, and also provides other key results and highlights from the year. It also focuses on our work around vaccine security for the development of new and more affordable vaccines, large-scale bed net distribution to protect millions of families against malaria, market shaping around Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) to treat severe acute malnutrition, and our continued work around innovations for children. These achievements have only been possible because of our close partnerships and collaboration with UN agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and public and private sector partners.

The more than 900 people who make up the Supply Community globally remain committed to supporting UNICEF programmes with an effective and efficient supply operation, providing procurement services to governments and development partners for strategic-essential supplies, and serving as a centre of expertise and knowledge on essential supplies for children.

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