COVID-19 Situation Report 13

The overall situation analysis of COVID-19 in Pakistan (2 July - 15 July, 2020)


  • A total 390 million viewers/listeners and social media contacts have been reached through TV, radio, whatsapp and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) through Government and UNICEF efforts.
  • Over 34.7 million at risk population reached through community engagement on COVID-19 (UNICEF 18.8 million) with 402,751 reached (UNICEF 388,855) during the reporting period.
  • Using WASH sector communication networks, over 13.4 million (2.1 million new) people reached with COVID-19 hygiene promotion messages.
  • Over 150,270 (31,568 new) religious leaders engaged and mobilized to emphasize the importance of physical distancing and promoting key preventive messages building risk perception.
  • UNICEF supported 42,644 SAM children admissions for treatment (5,370 new).
  • UNICEF supported 38,571 parents, caregivers, children and individuals with PSS by trained social workforce professionals (4,951 new).
  • UNICEF supported alternate learning opportunities reaching 86,157 children (2,361 new).
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