Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (mRDTs) market and supply update

A note on the rapid diagnostic tests that are among the control tools UNICEF provides on behalf of national health programmes to fight malaria.


Malaria is a preventable and curable life-threatening parasitic disease, and yet there are still an estimated 619,000 deaths a year, of which 80 per cent are children under five years of age.

UNICEF provides an updated information note on malaria rapid diagnostic tests, highlighting product supply, demand, and market developments. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests are part of a number of malaria control tools UNICEF provides on behalf of national health programmes to fight malaria. Even though UNICEF has supply arrangements with multiple suppliers, this document highlights the importance for countries to improve demand forecast accuracy, accept product diversification, and to diversify funding availability to improve market health.


Cover of the Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests Market and Supply Update February 2023
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